Calling all bees! Winesap apple blossoms greet the Spring. |
The cold frame has been a huge success this year as we're gathering spinach, radishes, carrots, beets, and loads of mixed lettuce up to one month before the spring garden could have produced it. But the main garden is under way as peas, carrots, onions, broccoli, and 625 ft. of spinach are growing well in this beautiful Spring season. We added two plum trees this year, a Red Santa Rosa, and a Blue Damson, to our orchard collection of apples, peaches, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and figs. Warm-season vegetable seedlings are growing and will be ready to transplant out in a week or two, when we will also plant many of our heirloom beans, cukes, melons, squash, and corn varieties from seed.
The cold frame, in peak of Spring production. After this crop is harvested, we will use the frame to grow eggplant. |
8 varieties of tomatoes, various peppers, lettuce, and herbs to be transplanted into the garden soon. |
The strawberry pyramid bed in bloom. |
Cornish Cross broilers at four weeks old, already weighing in at a meaty two pounds, free-range over grass. |